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  Recombinant Tet1 protein, active(A-31363)

重组 Tet1 活性蛋白                                                                                     货号:A-31363

recombinant Tet1 protein,active(25 µg) 

背景资料:Ten-eleven Translocation Gene Protein 1 (Tet1) is a DNA-binding protein that modulates DNA methylation and gene transcription via hydroxylation of 5-methylcytosine (5-mC). Tet1 is a cytosine oxygenase that catalyzes the conversion of the modified genomic base 5-hmC into 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC). Methylation at the C5 position of cytosine is an epigenetic modification of the mammalian genome that plays an important role in transcriptional regulation. Tet1 is responsible for initiating the enzymatic deamination process leading to cytosine demethylation. Tet1 preferentially binds to CpG-rich sequences at the promoters of both transcriptionally active and Polycomb-repressed genes and modulates gene silencing induced by cytosine methylation by controlling the levels of 5-mC and 5-hmC at gene promoters. Tet1 may have the dual function of repressing the expression of a subset of genes through recruitment of transcriptional repressors to promoters. Tet1 is important for stem cell maintenance and specification and is involved in the balance between pluripotency and lineage commitment.


25 µg recombinant Tet1 protein expressed in E. coli supplied in a buffer of 20 mM Tris 8.0, 300 mM NaCl, 2 mM DTT and 5% glycerol. 


1、Recombinant Tet1 protein is suitable for use in conversion of 5-methylcytosine containing DNA into DNA containing 5-hydroxymethylcytosine;

2、Tet1 is a member of the cytosine oxygenase family of enzymes that convert 5-methylcytosine to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. Amino acids 1367 to 2039 of mouse Tet1 (accession number ACY38291.1) were expressed in E. coli (MW=95 kDa);

3、25 µg recombinant Tet1 protein expressed in E. coli supplied in a buffer of 20 mM Tris 8.0, 300 mM NaCl, 2 mM DTT and 5% glycerol。

保存建议:Recombinant proteins in solution are temperature sensitive and must be stored at -80°C to prevent degradation. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles and keep on ice when not in storage.


产品名称 规格 操作手册 货号 询价
重组 Tet1 活性蛋白 25 µg PDF A-31363 点击这里给我发消息
重组 Tet1 活性蛋白 25 µg PDF A-31363  
重组 Tet1 活性蛋白 25 µg PDF A-31363  


产品名称 规格 操作手册 货号 询价
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5-hmC是近年来在动物组织中发现的,由胞嘧啶修饰而来。5-hmC在表观遗传学上的功能可能与5-甲基化胞嘧啶(5-mC)不同。尽管到现在为止还不确知其功能,有研究者猜测它在调控基因的表达与关闭过程中起着重要的作用。5-mC的发现让我们不得不重新评估DNA甲基信息,也不得不监测人类的健康组织和病理组织之间5-mC相对分布的差异。在EPI公司的MethylFlash技术之前,我们还没有发现任何直接的常规方法来检测5- hmC,以及区分5-hmC和5-mC

5-hmC 和 5-mC的区别
时下常用的DNA甲基化分析方法包括限制内切酶酶切和亚硫酸氢盐或MeDIP介导的MS-PCR和测序,这些技术都不适合用来检测5-hmC,因为它与5-mC事实上很难用这类方法区分开来。为了解决这个问题,EPIk研制了MethylFlash羟甲基化DNA定量试剂盒(荧光法)。本试剂盒提供了一种很经济的方法来检测5-羟甲基化胞嘧啶,并且区分5-hmC, 5-mC, 和 C,使得研究者能够重新评估他们的DNA甲基化信息,也能够在新样品中寻找DNA羟甲基化。

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